Eurofins is a global leader in providing innovative and high-quality analytical laboratory services.
Our PFAS laboratories, located in Brisbane, Melbourne, Perth and Sydney are equipped with state-of-the-art technology and instrumentation and can perform PFAS analysis on a variety of matrices including:
- Drinking Water
- Food, Feed and Agricultural products
- Biota & Biotic Martrices
- Food Packaging
Our Capabilities
We use state-of-the-art LC-MS/MS instrumentation in support of trace-level reporting of PFAS contaminants as well as GC-MS/MS for the targeted analysis of other emerging contaminants such as neutral PFAS viz FtOHs. Additionally, Eurofins has both LC-QToF-MS and GC-QToF-MS accurate mass high-resolution quadrupole time-of-flight spectrometers that allow for non-targeted analysis and to confidently identify emerging chemical contaminants at trace concentrations in complex matrices.
Our depth of knowledge, redundancy of systems and state-of-the-art facilities are key to our success in supporting the PFAS market. Eurofins’ reinvestment in the business ensures that we continue to offer highly sensitive methods, low reporting limits and compliance with method protocols meeting regulatory guidance over the duration of the client program.
Sampling Considerations
Sampling can be challenging due to the widespread use of PFAS, as many materials typically used in field and laboratory operations may contain the contaminants. For example, products such as tubing, sample containers and sampling equipment that are made of polytetrafluoroethylene are often used in sampling. Since they may contain PFAS, these items should be evaluated before using for PFAS sampling. In addition, field clothing and food articles, such as water-resistant jackets or fast food wrappers, should be avoided because they also may contain PFAS that can contaminate samples. It is strongly recommended that proper laboratory field sampling and hygiene protocols are followed to ensure that testing results reflect actual PFAS levels in the analysed samples.
- New clothing and footwear
- PPE and treated fabrics
- Stain and water-resistant products
- Sunscreen
- Moisturisers
- Cosmetics
- Fast food wrappers
- Teflon™
- Containers with Teflon™-lined lids
- Aluminium foil
- Glazed ceramics
- Stickers and labels
- Inks
- Sticky notes
- Waterproof papers
- Drilling fluids
- Decontamination solutions
- Reusable freezer blocks