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Environment Testing >> Speciality Services >> Mould Testing

Mould Testing

Many different species of mould exist in a range of environments and have the potential to negatively impact human health. Moulds reproduce spores that can cause damage to buildings and when inhaled can cause infections, trigger asthma and cause eye and skin irritation.

Mould can grow in all environments, generally preferring more humid conditions, however provided there is a nutrient source and adequate water activity, such as high humidity, mould can and will proliferate and cause contamination. Mould can also be a very good indicator of water damage within a property, which with a climate so diverse as Australia, particularly over the past few years, can be a very useful tool when determining risk of exposure for affected individuals, as well extent of damage to a property.

Testing for not only the presence of mould, but the different genera of mould present can help determine if there is water damage to a building, as well as the risk for potential health issues.

Our Capabilities

Our mould laboratory provides reliable and timely analysis of mould samples from anywhere in Australia. Our range of testing options include:

Our mould laboratories provide culturing services for viable mould and total bacteria using a range of agar media to best identify a broader range of fungi. 

We are also able to provide other bacterial identification services such as Coliforms and E. coli from surface swabs, and via membrane filtration – thermotolerant and total, and heterotrophic plate counts (NATA accredited).


Our fully equipped mould laboratory based in Newcastle is NATA ISO/IEC 17025 accredited. The standards and guidelines used within our mould laboratory include; the ASTM Methods D7658 for Tape-Lifts and D7391 for Spore Traps, and those prescribed by ISO 16000 for the collection of airborne bacteria and moulds and their culture, counting and identification.

Our mould specialists participate in the AIHA EMPAT Fungal Spore Analysis Proficiency Testing program and are EMPAT proficient. Some of our analytical staff have also completed the McCrone Research Institute’s IAQ Fungal Spore Course.

Mould Sampling Equipment & Consumables for Sale & Hire

As a compliment our mould analysis services, we offer a range of specialized sampling equipment for hire and purchase, together with consumables for sampling mould, bacteria and asbestos. We are distributors of the Environmental Express (formerly Zefon) range of mould and Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) sampling consumables and equipment in Australia. VIEW RANGE 

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