Dust Deposition Monitoring
Dust deposition standard gauge and directional gauge monitoring is utilised for monitoring localised dust levels. The principle of this sampling and analysis is to determine over a given sampling period; 30 days (April - October) and 14 days (November - March), particles which settle from the ambient air that are collected via a vessel - gauge and retained together with any rain water in a sample container. The mass deposition rate of deposited matter is then calculated from the mass of total solids obtained and the exposure period. Insoluble Solids & Soluble Solids can also be determined.
Our laboratories are NATA accredited for the sampling and analysis of dust deposition via Australian Standard AS/NZS 3580.10.1:2016 Methods for sampling and analysis of ambient air, Method 10.1: Determination of particulate matter - Deposited matter - Gravimetric method.
We can also undertake Directional Dust deposition testing via AS 2724.5-1987 (Directional dust gauge method). Analysis is also via AS/NZS 3580.10.1:2016 and is NATA accredited.
Common activities/sources that require dust deposition monitoring include;
• Road & construction sites
• Industrial operations
• Remediation works
• Agricultural areas
• Landfills in urban areas
• Mining operations
The network of Eurofins | Environment Testing laboratories can supply gauges, set-up, sample, analyse and report deposition dust monitoring programs. This includes sampling & analysis via High Volume Air Samplers.
We routinely undertake work in Victoria (metro & Country), Tasmania, NSW and SA. All air sampling equipment is owned, maintained and calibrated by the Eurofins | Environment Testing network of companies.
If you need any further information on this please contact;
For any other stack sampling requirements that are not listed within the table above or if you require a free quote please contact;
Stephen Curwood
Field Services Section Leader (Air)
Mobile: +61 408 543 041