Eurofins companies place a high priority on Quality Assurance and Quality Control in its laboratories as stated in its Mission Statement and Corporate Values.
Quality Practices
The Eurofins | Environment Testing network of companies provide the highest quality services, accurate, timely results, and expert advice from our highly qualified team of experienced scientists. As data integrity is of paramount importance, we continually monitor both data quality and our laboratory operations to ensure that the highest standards are maintained.
The Eurofins | Environment Testing Australia network of companies operate a quality system that is fully accredited by NATA (National Association of Testing Authorities, Australia) under ISO/IEC 17025:2017 and is managed and overseen by our Regional Quality Manager in conjunction with the Management Team.
Quality Control (QC) parameters follow guidelines delineated in the National Environment Protection (Assessment of Site Contamination) Measure April 2011, Schedule B3, Guideline on Laboratory Analysis of Potentially Contaminated Soils and US EPA SW-846 Chapter 1: 'Quality Control'. It comprises the following when a laboratory process batch is deemed to consist of up to 20 samples that are similar in terms of matrix and test procedure, and are processed as one unit for QC purposes. If more than 20 samples are being processed, they are considered as more than one batch.
Method blank
One method blank per process batch.
Laboratory duplicate
There should be at least one duplicate per process batch, or two duplicates if the process batch exceeds 10 samples.
Laboratory control sample (LCS)
There should be at least one LCS per process batch.
Matrix spikes
There should be one matrix spike per matrix type per process batch.
Control charts are used as a mechanism of measuring and monitoring whether laboratory processes are in control viz are stable, with variation only coming from sources common to the process then no corrections or changes to process control parameters are needed or desired. If the control chart indicates that the monitored process is not in control then the process is stopped immediately and procedures initiated to bring the system back in control. The control chart is a basic tool of quality control. All information is available for inspection if desired.
Measurement Uncertainty - ISO/IEC 17025:2017(E) 3rd Edition: General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories in Section 7.6 Evaluation of measurement uncertainty outlines the requirements for laboratories to calculate measurement uncertainty. This is detailed for the majority of measurands here.
Our NATA scopes of accreditation are available via the NATA website here - In the ‘Keywords’ field, type ’1261’ (or ‘2370’ if searching for our WA lab scopes). Filter by ‘Accreditation / Site No.’ then click on ‘Search’ and links to each laboratory will display.
Please select here for analytical method summaries.