Environmental Monitoring

Environmental Monitoring allows you to examine the effectiveness of environmental controls and sanitation procedures in areas of production and to investigate any contamination incidents. In GLP environments, it is conducted to demonstrate that the production environment is under control. This is of particular importance in the production of medical cannabis because some microbes have a negative effect on plant development, storage of dried products, and consumer safety.
Environmental Monitoring Services
- Swab Sampling
- Air: Active and settle plate sampling
- Water Testing
- Verification of Sanitation Efficacy
- Surface – Contact Plate
- Fumigation
- SOP support
- Onsite training
- Protocol writing
Sample locations and adequate sampling are critical components of an effective environmental monitoring program and should be specified in standard operating procedures. Eurofins will help you establish an approved procedure and protocol including the type of testing required, the number of test locations and frequency of testing. Contact us today to begin environmental monitoring and take back control of your facility!